
‘The Boondocks’ Actor Says Sony Pulled the Plug on Upcoming Reboot

The Boondocks is one of tv’s most beloved series that ended too soon. In 2019, fans were excited to hear that the show was coming back after being announced that Sony Pictures Animation would be bringing the show back. Recently, however, Cedric Yarbrough said that the reboot is not happening.

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In an interview with the Geekset Podcast, Cedric tells fans Sony decided to pull the latest reboot.

“I hate to say this, but… The show is, right now, not coming back,” Yarbrough said. “I don’t know if this is breaking news, but we’ve been wanting to do the show. And Sony… they decided they’re going to pull the plug. So, I don’t know. Hopefully, maybe one day we’ll be able to revisit. If we don’t, then that’s what that is. But, I wish the show was coming back.”


The reboot, which was supposed to be released this year, was supposed to be a reimagining of the original and would see the return of show creator Aaron McGruder.

McGruder spoke on the show’s return a few years ago when it was first announced.

“There’s a unique opportunity to revisit the world of The Boondocks and do it over again for today,” said Aaron McGruder. “It’s crazy how different the times we live in are now – both politically and culturally – more than a decade past the original series and two decades past the original newspaper comic. There’s a lot to say and it should be fun.”

You can watch the full interview below.