
Reason’s Perfect Plan Comes Together In His Wistful ‘Westside’ Video

TDE rapper Reason gets exactly what he wants in the new video for “Westside” from his October album New Beginnings. The wistful song, which features Spillage Village’s Mereba on the soulful hook, finds the Del Amo, California spitter unleashing his slickest dirty mack game on the object of his affections, but the video plays things slightly differently. It follows a bank teller who appears to be in a flourishing relationship with one of the bankers at work, causing dissonance with the song.

Then Reason shows up at the bank multiple times, looking like he’s got his eyes on this young lady and designs on her heart. However, he still doesn’t seem to be making any headway, and her relationship looks as strong as ever by the time he walks into the bank holding a bouquet of roses. I won’t spoil the twist, but I’m sure if you’ve watched any of Reason’s other cinematic music videos, you can probably guess where this one is heading.

Over the past year, Reason’s shown a true penchant for creative, narrative music videos for songs like “Favorite N****,” “Pop Sh*t,” and “Trapped In” — although, he can go for a purely eye-popping aesthetic as well, as he does on the Vince Staples collaboration, “Sauce.” Combined with his thoughtful bars, easygoing charisma, and star turn on “LamboTruck,” from Revenge Of The Dreamers III, he’s put himself in prime position for a huge breakout in 2021.

Watch Reason’s “Westside” video above.