
Pop Smoke’s Mother Issues Statement Following Voluntary Manslaughter Conviction Of Her Son’s Killer

Fans of Pop Smoke received a measure of closure on February 5 when one of the four men responsible for the rapper’s death accepted a plea deal and was sentenced to 29 years in prison. Corey Walker, who was a legal adult at the time of the 2020 murder, is set to be formally sentenced on February 21. While the conviction marks a step toward justice, Pop Smoke’s mother, Audrey Jackson, remains deeply affected by the loss of her son.

Speaking with Rolling Stone reporter Nancy Dillon, Jackson expressed that while the trial may be over for the public, her personal pain is never-ending. “This never ends for me. And that’s unfair,” she said. While she acknowledged that she was relieved to see those responsible brought to justice, she emphasized that no legal ruling could ever undo the heartbreak of losing her son. “I appreciate they got justice to the fullest extent of the law. But my life doesn’t change. I still don’t have my son.”

Since Pop Smoke’s tragic passing, Audrey Jackson has been dedicated to preserving his legacy while also confronting those who disrespect his memory. One of the individuals involved in her son’s murder, known as Blockstar, was released from youth prison in 2024. He later appeared on Adam22’s No Jumper podcast, where he admitted to feeling no remorse for his actions. The interview sparked immediate backlash from Pop Smoke’s fans, many of whom criticized both Blockstar and Adam22 for using the rapper’s death as a means of gaining attention.


Jackson was among those who took issue with the interview, calling it “disrespectful.” In a conversation with Hot 97 host TT Torres, she admitted that she had not watched the episode herself but had heard enough to be deeply disturbed. “I gotta let that go because that’ll eat me up,” she said. “The bottom line is your life is over. His life is finished. He’s living, but if that’s his approach to what he’s done, life is done for him.”

Despite the pain and controversy surrounding her son’s death, Audrey Jackson remains committed to ensuring that Pop Smoke’s legacy endures. Through his music and the impact he left on the industry, his presence continues to be felt, proving that while his life was tragically cut short, his influence will live on.