You have to be a top tier troll to be on the level of 50 Cent’s pettiness.
On Saturday night, 50 Cent performed in Boston. No big deal, right? Here’s what caught his fans attention. The Queens rapper took the stage wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs hat. What’s the big deal? Well, he’s in Boston, home of the Bruins and it’s safe to say they do not like the Maple Leafs.
How does 50 even have the motivation to make such a move. At his own concert at that. Who knew Curtis even liked hockey!

The rivalry between the Leafs and Bruins goes way back, so his choice in hats is nothing short of blasphemy in sports rivalry culture.
After his trolling spread across socials, Leafs fans found the stunt amusing, as expected. Call it turning the tables since their infamous Game 7 collapse in the 2013 playoffs at TD Garden, the Maple Leafs have been eliminated by the Bruins in the first round in 2013, 2018, 2019, and 2024.
Now get this, 50 Cent has an upcoming show in Toronto on July 20 at Cabana Pool Bar, Fans are already buzzing wondering if h will rock a Bruins hat? If he does, that’s neutral trolling for the sake of being a troll. One thing is for certain, you have to respect his dedication to his craft.