The point of a roast is to, y’know, roast someone. Ron Burgundy must have missed that note. On Sunday night, Netflix streamed The Greatest Roast of All Time: Tom Brady, a multi-hour comedy event where comedians — and Kim Kardashian, for some reason — cracked one-liners about the former New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback. Or at least most of them did. Will Ferrell, reprising his character from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, mostly got lost in Brady’s dreamy eyes.
“Holy sh*t this man is gorgeous. Look at those cheekbones. That’s a million-watt smile right there… A person could get lost in those eyes and right now I am that person,” he said, according to People, before snapping himself out of the handsome trance. “Ron, pull it together. You’re a straight man. He’s making you question your sexuality. Stop looking at him. You’re here to make fun of him. Not fall in love. Concentrate.”
Ferrell-as-Burgundy, who said that Brady will “always be remembered as Eli Manning’s bitch,” later poked fun at the quarterback’s career.
“I never liked you Tom… in all my years of watching professional football, I never saw a more boring quarterback,” he said, joking that Brady “ruined football for all of us” and that watching the Patriots play “actually made me look forward to all the fun and laughter of a Bill Belichick postgame interview.”
It was a real missed opportunity to not sign off with, “And I’m Ron Burgundy. Go f*ck yourself, Tom Brady.” Falcons fans know what I’m talking about.
The Greatest Roast of All Time: Tom Brady is streaming on Netflix.
(Via People)