
Oprah’s Upcoming TV Special Will Address Impact of Weight Loss Drug

Media Mogul Oprah Winfrey is ready to discuss one of the hottest topics in modern medicine—the weight loss drugs that are taking the industry by storm—in her upcoming ABC primetime special, “An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution,” which will air in a couple of weeks.

TMZ reports that the special will address “the impact prescription weight loss drugs are having on society, including herself.”

It’s interesting timing, as this special is being released close to Oprah’s parting ways with Weight Watchers after a long-standing 10-year partnership. This arguably negatively impacted the weight loss company after the revelation that she uses weight loss drugs.


Let’s be real: many media outlets reported she lost an astounding 40 pounds last year alone, much attributed to prescribed medication, although she never said which one she uses. 

Get this: Oprah once said the usual suspects in the weight loss drug world, like Ozempic and Mounjaro, were an “easy way out,” but I guess she had a change of heart, even though, again, we don’t know what she used. 

Back to the TV special. TMZ reports it will “explore questions and concerns about weight loss medications’ intended uses, side effects and their impacts on people living with obesity and diabetes.” On its face, it feels informative and needed with these drugs being so popular right now. 

In a statement, Oprah said, “It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity.”

She continued “This special will bring together medical experts, leaders in the space and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment and stigma surrounding weight.”

Maybe she will review what she used to drop the pounds. Stay tuned …