
SOURCE SPORTS: Tracy McGrady Hints At Starting a One On One Basketball Professional League

Tracy McGrady was one of the best offensive players to ever step on an NBA court. He was one of the hardest wing players to guard one on one, and now it appears he has an idea for those serious about one on one basketball.

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During a live stream with HooperVision, McGrady announced that he was in the process of starting a 1-on-1 league, for adults 18 years old and over, which will be called the OBA. 

McGrady indicated that he is aiming to launch a professional 1-on-1 league called the Ones Basketball Association (OBA). At this stage, details are sparse, but as noted above, McGrady said it would involve adults ages 18 and up and would not be a tournament, but a full-fledged league.


A one on one league could draw massive interest from casual basketball fans as well as serve for some sever bragging rights for competitors. Not to much information was reveal by McGrady, but if we follow the success of Ice Cube’s Big3 league, McGrady might have stumbled on a golden idea.