
Lil Mosey Was Reportedly Ordered To Stay Away From His Accuser Ahead Of His Rape Trial

Back in April, Lil Mosey was charged with second-degree rape earlier this year after an incident with a woman at a Washington state cabin party in January. A warrant for his arrest was eventually issued after he failed to appear for a court date. Now, the rapper is reportedly being ordered to stay away from his rape accuser.

According to TMZ Mosey, who pleaded not guilty in the matter, was hit with a sexual assault pre-trial protection order and as a result of it, he cannot be within 500 feet of his accuser, must maintain absolute sobriety, and cannot possess a firearm. If the rapper owns any firearms, he must surrender them to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office.

As for the incident in question, the woman says she and a friend met Mosey for the party. While they initially gave consent for a sexual interaction, they both passed out due to alcohol consumption, nullifying that consent. The rapper and another accused individual, Francisco P. Prater, allegedly had intercourse with the women while they were passed out. In court documents, the woman says she received injuries to her arm, neck, and inner knee. She also claims another guest at the party told her the two men talked about “training two girls.”

If convicted, Mosey and Prater face up to life in prison and up to $50,000 in fines.