
SOURCE SPORTS: LeBron James Was ‘Hurt’ by Kyrie Irving’s Clutch Comment

LeBron James believes he is a clutch shooter. Ironically his former teammate Kyrie Irving doesn’t believe that.

Irving appeared on Kevin Durant’s podcast for episodes that were released in late September and early October. In his interview with Durant, Irving said he felt like he was always the best option for a team. He felt that way until now because he is currently teammates with Durant on the Brooklyn Nets.

“One thing I’ve always been comfortable with, I felt like I was the best option on every team I played for down the stretch,” Irving said.


“This is the first time in my career I’ve looked down and be like, ‘That motherf—er can make that shot too.’ And he’ll probably do it a lot easier,” Irving told Durant.

Fast forward to last week, when James appeared on former teammate Richard Jefferson’s Road Trippin podcast and made a few comments about Irving’s take on never playing with a clutch shooter before.

“It kind of hurt me a little,” James says. “The whole time while I was there, I only wanted to see him be an MVP. I only cared about his success … and it just didn’t align.” 

Irving is wrong about this one but it’s a topic that makes for a great discussion.