
Toosii Details A Rotten Romance In His Somber ‘Love Is…’ Video

South Coast Music rapper Toosii returns with a melancholy new single that finds him doing an about-face on his previous song, “Keeper.” Whereas in that song he thought he’d found someone who fulfilled all his romantic needs, in “Love Is…” he details a relationship gone rotten, questioning his actions and her dedication post-breakup. Over a moody, piano-driven sample of Julia Michaels’ 2021 song “Love Is Weird,” Toosii bares his aching soul, admitting to losing hope in the possibility of finding love.

The new single’s robust 180 from his previous contemplations of love. The 2021 XXL Freshman’s previous songs on the subject include the nostalgic “5’5” with Latto and “What I’m On,” presenting a much more optimistic view of romance. I guess you could say the honeymoon phase is over but on the bright side, Toosii is clearly just as effective at making wounded heartbreak anthems as he is woozy come-ons.

The Syracuse, New York-born Raleigh, North Carolina rapper hasn’t made a lot of noise since his 2021 mixtape Thank You For Believing, but his increased activity suggests he might be waking from his year-long hibernation after dropping “Keeper,” “Secrets,” and now, “Love Is…” in relatively quick succession. Stay tuned.

Watch Toosii’s somber “Love Is…” video above.