
[WATCH] Actress Rosario Dawson Posts A Shocking Video Urging People to Vote This Election

Actress Rosario Dawson is no stranger to speaking her mind on politics. The Hollywood star and activist have used her voice to raise awareness on several issues including the upcoming election. Back in March, she posted to her Instagram page:

Upset about our primary/electoral system? Elections and much else (equity much?) aren’t fair. Voter suppression efforts like redistricting, gerrymandering and voter purging (among many other issues) have long since made that clear. That’s why voting is only one of many ways we can transform our system for the better (fill out your census!). So please stay in the game, no matter what, and continue the fight our ancestors fought with fewer means and resources, not just so that we could bicker on social media, but so that we could continue to improve conditions for each other and make the path that much better, healthier and clearer for the generations to come. Blessings to you all. #NotMeUs

Check out this shocking video she recently posted about voting.

Don’t get it twisted: ⚠️trigger warning⚠️


Whether you vote or not, THEY WILL! So PLEASE. Pull up. Step up. Don’t wait. Vote. Vote early. And remind all your cousins and them too.

?: @2020uptous